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Nano Direct Expansion Dryer

For Compressed Air Systems


Nano direct expansion compressed air dryers are perfectly suited for processes that have a consistent volume of air passing through the system. Fundamentally, they remove heat from the air using an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger, which lowers the temperature (and dew point) of the air, condensing the water and easily draining it away.

While cycling air dryers (like the R1) have energy-efficient systems built-in to save energy when the flow of air is reduced, their up-front costs are higher than direct expansion models.

If you have a steady stream of compressed air that needs drying, a Nano direct expansion air dryer can deliver industry-leading efficiency and dew point performance.

For more information, questions, or quotes, please call our team at 1-888-226-8522.

DC-DCS Oil Coolers

Series R4
Nano Refrigerated Direct

Expansion Dryer:

Compressors With: 15 to 2000 SCFM
Recommended Inlet Temp: 100F
Best for Continuous Compressor Loads
Cost Effective & Efficient
Direct Expansion Cooling
DC-DCS Oil Coolers

Series R2
Nano High Temperature

Direct Expansion Dryer:

Compressors With: 10 to 110 SCFM
Maximum Inlet Temp: 158F
Best for Continuous Compressor Loads
Rated for High Inlet Temperatures
Direct Expansion Cooling
DC-DCS Oil Coolers

Series R6 VSD
Nano High Volume

Direct Expansion Dryer:

Compressors With: 2600 to 8450 SCFM
Recommended Inlet Temp: 100F
Best for Continuous Compressor Loads
Rated for High Volume SCFM
Direct Expansion Cooling

Quotes, Sales & Ordering Information: Refrigerated Air Dryers, please contact us: 1-888-226-8522
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